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Movie Quotes

Darkness Falls Quote(s)

Quote: Kyle: We stay in the light, we stay alive.
Quote: Kyle: When this hospital goes dark. We're all dead.
Quote: Caitlin: It's okay, Michael. It's okay.
Michael: Caitlin, come one. It's safe.
Caitlin: Get out from under the bed. Come on, this is ridiculous.
Michael: No, you get under here.
Caitlin: Come on, Michael. Get out from under the bed. There's nothing to worry about.
Michael: Caitlin, No!
Caitlin: Okay, let's stay under the bed.
Quote: Officer Andy Batten: Is she gonna get me?
Kyle: Yes.
Quote: Kyle: I see you...bitch

Quote: Officer Matt Henry: Batten, see what that was.
Officer Andy Batten: No, you go see.
Officer Matt Henry: I out rank you.
Officer Andy Batten: Lead by example and see what it was.
Quote: Officer Matt Henry: You're Crazy, Walsh.
Kyle: Crazy isn't what it used to be.
Quote: Caitlin: I can't believe you came.
Kyle: That makes two of us.

Quote: Young Caitlin: Remember, when the tooth fairy comes, don't peek
Quote: Dr. Travis: Are you crazy?
Kyle: Yeah, a little bit.

Quote: Caitlin: Black cat. Why not?

Quote: Officer Matt Henry: Are we all gonna die?
Kyle: Yea, probably.
Officer Matt Henry: All this over a fuckin' tooth.
Quote: Michael: She won't come in the light.
Kyle: Who?
Michael: YOU KNOW WHO.
Quote: DOCTER:he has what we call night terrors SISTER:what do we have to do? DOCTER:put him in the dark SISTER:no! Docter:it wold help from real life & a dream
Quote: 1) She won't come in the light. 2) Who? 1) You know who.
Quote: Tooth fairy?
Quote: Doctor- Are you crazy?
Kyle- Yeah, a little bit
Quote: why don't we just keep driving? we're safe in the car.
Quote: we stay in the light, we stay alive
Quote: (1)Are we all gonna' die?
(2)Yeah, probably.
(1)All this over a fuckin' tooth.
Quote: Remember, when the Tooth Fairy comes, don't peek.
Quote: What I took from you in kindness, I will take away forever in revenge.
Quote: 1) We have to jump. 2) No! Are you crazy? 1) Yeah, little bit.
Quote: Crazy isn't what it used to be.
Quote: I believe the words you're looking for are 'thank you'.
Quote: [Reading book]Light will spell her doom and death. Brightest flame engulfed her whole, setting free her wicked soul.
Quote: Stay in the light

Quote: Police Officer:Let's see your lawyer get you out of this one, Kyle.

Kyle:Yeah well that's gonna be kind of hard, considering my lawyer's in a couple of pieces out on Pine Street
Quote: Guard:Whee...is she gonna get me?


All this for a fuckin tooth?

All this for a fuckin tooth?

Quote: All this for a fuckin tooth?
All this for a fuckin tooth?

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